Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Waiting for Van Gogh

We're back safe and sound from two weeks in Provence. This is a pic of Jule sitting in Arles with the Van Gogh - made famous, Le Café la Nuit, in the background. Jule is a fan of Vincent and she says he had an eye for yellow and painted his night sceen with more yellow than was probably there. The café itself is painted yellow now and yellow is a predominate colour along the Van Gogh trail.

We had a good time in Arles and environs, and got to spend a few days in Paris as well. All went well. We avoided two "perterbations" in the train schedule when the railways went on strike. ("Of course in France it is always about the strikes!") And we had good Provençal food and southern wines and we can't understand why so many Canadians find the French, especially the Parisiens, rude. Except for one old hag in Avignon, we found them splendid to deal with and we think they found us and our even more Provençal efforts to speak their language très amusant.

I'm sorting my pics from the trip and will start putting stuff up tomorrow. The bulk will go to flickr in various easy-to-access groups, I think.
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Anonymous said...

Welcome back Peter!!! Glad you had a fab time!!!!

Peter Reichert said...

Hi Carmen. It was très fantastique, sans aucun doubte. Some things were a tad hard to get used to, though, like taking a shower without standing up. And everybody smokes! Can't wait to tell you all about it. :)