Friday, April 11, 2008

Normal vs. Extra Vivid

I like this saturated look for nature and man-made items found on my walks and bike rides, but even I agree it's too saturated for people pics. Skin tones come out way too red. So, I saved these settings in one of the custom menus and then set up another, less saturated one, for people pics, and saved that one, too. Now I can change back from one to the other as needed. It might be even quicker to do if I can program the Fn button, but I know there are predetermined limits, so I'm not holding my breath.

Here's a comparison of the two settings, "Standard" (for people pics) and "Vivid +" (for most saturated colours). Jule may not be happy to see these experimental shots of her here, but I'm sure she's willing to sacrifice some dignity in the name of science! Right honey? :)


Funny thing is, I printed 4x6" prints of these two shots and the more I looked at them, the less I notice the red cast ... I wonder if it's like those old ladies who douse themselves with perfume each morning because they've lost their sense of smell after using it all those years and don't realize how it can make the eyes water in a confined space
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