Saturday, April 12, 2008

Rainy day blues. And cold too.

I spent the day getting to know my new camera. Specifically, how the auto focus and metering are interrelated. No need to bore anyone here with the details. It has way more options that I'll probably ever use. Some pretty neat stuff, too!

Here's a pic out the back window.


I made this one from the lower right quadrant of the previous one, with a little help from Photoshop.


Black Beauties. :)


And something with a little colour ...

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skylark said...

You made the raindrops look so nice. They looked pretty dreary on my side of the street.

A couple of manly-looking cameras on the leather backdrop. Which of those cameras clicked and jumped back into position to be in the shot? It's a joke Peter, I'm not that stupid, I know it was a self-timer!

Peter Reichert said...

Nothing like having a new camera that shoots vivid colours and nothing buy dull, gray sky out there. No fair!

I haven't figured out the self-timer thingy yet, Robert, so I had to rely on the old double expose and paste together trick. The hard part was lining up the seams in the chair!