Monday, June 07, 2010

Morning commute - on a Friday

It's only Monday, but I was on a Friday - a Bike Friday. The Atlantis is waiting for a new rear rim, so I used my folding bike to get to work. She's a BF New World Tourist. I keep forgetting how much fun small wheels can be! The NWT is a wonderful bike to ride. One summer I used it exclusively to commute to work and tool around - just over 6,000 km total riding.
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JuliaR said...

You know, I should just forget about my search for the perfect step through frame and get a Dahon or something. What about the Cioa P8? It has 24-74 gear inches, better than the 44-77 gear inches of the Curve, even if the Curve is lighter (and I htink it has 16" wheels?).

Peter Reichert said...

The Dahon Speed TR has a wider gear range and is made for touring, and has a down tube that's only a wee bit higher. The Cioa would be good for getting groceries. Or going to the pub! :)