Monday, June 16, 2008

Maman, Musée du Louvre, Paris

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JuliaR said...

To me, this one really shows what I have been talking about, in terms of composition. I don't think you thought specifically where things were when you took the picture - you just "knew" it was right. But it's the way everything sits "just so" in the frame, the way even though that statue looms at the front, you know it is not the subject, and the way those green things on the far left glow - they all add up to a great picture.

Peter Reichert said...

TYVM! Yes, I seem to have a balanced view of things (at least through the viewfinder!). Speaking of which, the D300 gives you nearly a WYSIWYG view, so I don't have to do any cropping.

Anonymous said...

We have a giant maman spider outside our art gallery too - are they related??

Peter Reichert said...

Yes, they're twins, zoom! Actually, two of a set of sextuplets. They're the children of Louise Bourgeois. I installed the security system on our Maman at the NGC using an IP camera. Ms. Bourgeois, who is in her mid nineties, was able to watch our techs install the sculpture over a three day period from the comfort of her NYC apartment. Here's the view.

There are three cast in stainless steel and three in bronze. We have a bronze. The Louvre has one of the SS models.