Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Relaxing Breakfast?

We noticed a lot of French woman having smokes and coffee for breakfast as a way of staying thin. There were no joggers on the streets of Paris. This was the last day in Paris and our second time at this café on the Rue Cler which offered a, "Deux pour Douze" American-style b.fast which included an egg and ham, croissant with jam, orange juice and coffee or chocolate, for two people for twelve euros, a significant discount, thanks to Rick Steves. 
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skylark said...

Once again awesome pictures Peter. Let me know if you get tired of me saying that! You should offer prints of these through a place like imagekind.

JuliaR said...

I never get tired of saying it, or hearing others say it!

This one is fun with the one colour.

Peter Reichert said...

Hi skylark! Where you been? Except for juliar, you're my best cheering section! Thanks so much, as always. I guess I have to keep doing different things so instead of just saying, "awesome", there will be something specific to note. I'll work on that.

And thanks on the great link to, "imagekind". I've looked over the site and I think I might just open an account. Merci, beaucoup.

Juliar, her lips turned out a bit blue, but I like the overall yellow effect, too. What you can't see in the picture is how much she smoked. I swear she had three cigarettes with that one espresso.